Magento 2 Ajax Wishlist
Ajax add to wishlist extension for Magento helps customers on any product to quickly add to wishlist. Save time and increase your project efficiency
Why does Magento 2 add to wishlist Ajax nesscesary?
Wish lists are a great way to track customer demand for products on your website. In the user interface, customers can create a personal wish list by clicking on the heart icon to add any product.
With Magento's default, when a customer clicks on the wishlist icon, the website will redirect you to another URL. This makes customers feel uncomfortable when they have to wait for the website to reload the whole page. A fact shows that, if customers take too long to perform operations on the website, they will leave the page. That means you've lost a store conversion opportunity.
Magento 2 add to wishlist using Ajax allows visitors to add products to wishlist right on any homepage/category page/product page/CMS page without reloading the whole page
Results in the Magento frontend
How does it work for Magento 2?
In the backend, Go to Admin Panel > Stores > Settings > Configuration > Magepow > Ajax Wishlist.
Select Yes to Enable module or No to Disable the module
- Show Spinner: Enable/Disable showing spinner while processing the request.
- Show Success Message: Enable/Disable showing success message after adding to wishlist.
- Success Message Text: After enabling the show success message,change the message that appears after adding to wishlist with this option.
- Store Image: Show image
Full Features
- Add products to wishlist without reloading the page
- No page redirects
- Increase user experience
- Increase conversions
- Provide/share a link to a certain location
- Show spinner when making request
- Show success message when customer add product to wish list
- Show text message when customer add product to wishlist
- Customize popup
- Set popup display time